Why a sonnet when any poem would do ?
They’ve asked me, when I write poems for you.
I tell them that I cannot help myself,
That you deserve the best from off the shelf
Of words the poet has at his command —
And so I write the heart from where I stand;
A sonnet seems to be the way that I
Can in a forthright manner testify
To all the love between your heart and mine,
Which often goes beyond the realms of time
And to a place where I can only say
The love revealed to you, in sonnet’s way . . .
And that is why I take the time to write
A sonnet ~ so to fill your heart each night.
They’ve asked me, when I write poems for you.
I tell them that I cannot help myself,
That you deserve the best from off the shelf
Of words the poet has at his command —
And so I write the heart from where I stand;
A sonnet seems to be the way that I
Can in a forthright manner testify
To all the love between your heart and mine,
Which often goes beyond the realms of time
And to a place where I can only say
The love revealed to you, in sonnet’s way . . .
And that is why I take the time to write
A sonnet ~ so to fill your heart each night.
What do you think to publish in Go Funding? Is this a trustworthy site ? Essentially, I am looking to finance my work so I can complete it, including an editor and a web site, the whole package. Any suggestions? Season’s Greetings, Tom! Love your work.
Hi, Lily,
Thanks for taking the time to reach out. This is Melinda, Tom’s wife. He thought it would be better for me to reply to you. I’m managing the publishing side of things while Tom focuses on his writing and staying in touch with you all.
I’ve been learning a lot about the independent publishing business in recent months. I’m no expert (yet!), but I’ve learned there’s a lot that goes into the process — community building and email list management, ebook and print book formatting, sales and advertising, to name a few. I can understand why you want some help!
One of the things I’ve heard more than once is that crowd-funding a book project is usually not very successful unless you have a very large community of supporters and a unique book project that will attract lots of positive attention. Since I worked with my son on his Kickstarter campaign for a film project, I can tell you that the work of crowdfunding is very time-consuming and expensive. For example, we didn’t consider how much time and money it would take to mail backer gifts all around the world!
I know that not everyone wants to get into the business of publishing, but I think you should check out what you can do on your own. It won’t be completely free, but it’s not that expensive if you work at it a little at a time. For example, you can have your own domain name and website for as little as $4 per month!
There are some great resources out there for you. Sadly, there are a lot of people out there who will be happy to charge you a lot of money to do what you can do on your own or have done elsewhere for far less. Be very careful if you decide to work with a service. You could end up spending a lot of money you didn’t need to.
I think you should check out Joanna Penn’s podcasts, blog and website, The Creative Penn. She’s been independent publishing for about nine years. She shares a wealth of knowledge with her listeners for free. I never realized how much I didn’t know until I started listening to Joanna’s podcasts! She covers everything from publishing news to how to make a website in 30 minutes, ISBN numbers, international sales and estate planning (just to name a few topics!). I’m always finding out about other free and low-cost tools from Joanna.
Even if you decide self-publishing is not something you want to do, finding out what is involved will help you to find the best value for your money if you outsource some of the work.