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Woman in blue on a stairway to a large moon

I’m not at all profound, I’m just in love;
Scattered, maybe, but I think I’m worthy of
You — who I see in my dreams each night,
Rising in the dark and shining in the light,
Your ray of silver moon upon my stairs.

How did I catch this glimpse to realize
I’d never again crawl beyond your eyes
To a place where you are not before
The opening and closing of my door,
To that room with silver moon upon my stairs.

Could any other air I breathe be this
Compelling, that I should always want your kiss
To lay upon my lips their sweet perfume?
The threads of my heart you weave on your loom
As you sew your silver moon upon my stairs.

—for her—

© 2017 by Tom Kraft

From the upcoming book by the same title

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