My Eternal Love

Your silhouette blends so beautifully
Into the moon that you have become her –
All aglow with the beauty of the night
Shining love upon me in refracting light:
Tones of midnight hues
Settled in to match the color of your hair and eyes.
I see a wonder of creation standing before me,
Wrapped in moonlight,
And the shadows of stars dancing
All around your evenglow
Highlighting how beautiful you are:
Your light-brown skin
Effervescent and smooth,
Your lips full and ripe
Waiting and wanting to be kissed;
Your presence –
A miracle of creation standing before me –
Filled with the love of eternal proportions
Sanctioned only for my eyes to revel in.
Your silhouette blends so beautifully into the moon
That you have become her . . .
And you, my darling, ARE now
…My eternal love…
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